Friday, April 22, 2016

Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara

Recently about two or three day's ago I was in a grocery store called sprouts and I was shopping for things with my mom. We got to the fruit section and a man appeared staring at the fruit. He looked older. But I noticed something was little off. He didn't feel like a regular human energy. My mom tried to reach for a box of blackberries that were beside him. She couldn't reach them. He handed her the box she wanted and then bowed to her doing a prayer pose. Then my mom thanked him and we walked away. He stood there for a moment staring at us. It wasn't in a creepy way. He was just observing. Then he walked away several feet and disappeared into thin air. Like he literally disappeared where he was standing. I wasn't too shocked because my guardian angels have appeared to me before. He didn't even work at the store and he vanished right there in front of me. I got this gut feeling to look up ascended masters online. so I looked them up and I found an image of the same guy from the store. He looked exactly like him.

Later on in the week I felt the same presence from the store in my own home. I felt him Sanat Kumara in my living room and bedroom. I felt his presence following me around in my condo.

I've felt his presence around me several more times after that.

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