Friday, May 27, 2016

Lewis Carroll's Presence

For several years I've been hearing a males voice through clairaudience say, "my names Charles." for about two weeks I've been sensing the same presence trying to get my attention. I heard him say, "your mom's like the red queen." then I got a curious look on my face, "who are you?" I said to him. "Charles" his voice said. "I don't know who that is" I replied. I heard him sigh, "Lewis Carroll the writer of Alice in Wonderland does that help."

The next day I was laying on my side in bed and I heard my twin flame Aaradon growling at Charles angrily, "Carroll! get away from my twin flame." then I felt someone hugging me, "Your my march hair" I heard Charles say in my ear. I stared into space all bug eyed,  "yes you... Marchie!" he said happily.

One afternoon I was hyper on lots of coffee and started running around my home all hyper from my Venti Carmel Frappuccino's. I had two that day with several extra pumps of frappe roast. And also three cans of double shot Starbucks energy drinks. so I was bouncing off the walls. I started having a panic attack and began crying. way too much coffee. I heard Charles voice again rambling to me, "march go drink tea, I don't know why you stopped drinking tea march, tea will calm you down, go to the kitchen and get some march." "your right!" I responded to his spirit. "I always am march" his voice replied. so I made some tea, chamomile tea mixed with mint magic tea. I let it cool on my coffee table and I did not feel like myself, the coffee was making me bonkers. "drink the tea marchie, it's good for you!" Charles said. I grabbed my cup of tea and gulped it down fast. I felt calmer and was less bonkers and weird. I think it's really interesting that this writers presence is around me. even my friend with psychic gifts and who has visions senses him here with me.

I farted loudly a moment ago and heard him say, "oh... march that was fowl..." I laughed as my gassy fumes surrounded my home until it was hard to breathe. I put my hands over my nose and mouth and laughed giggling happily.

1 comment:

  1. Omg 😂
    He kept saying overand over again that he loves me.
    I keep hAving visions of him of his heart beating his chest.
    Lol. Hes our hatter alright.
