Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Al Capone Twin Flame

A while back I was reading a story on about Al Capone and I suddenly felt a presence enter my condo. This was the first time he visited.

He's visited several times after that.

Last week his presence visited me.

I was laying in bed one afternoon. I was tired and wanted a nap. yep a nap. Al Capone's presence entered my home. I probably farted at that moment, but that's okay. I lay there and smiled to myself as the ceiling fan turned. I farted again and let one last breath and then I died. No never mind I didn't die. I just glued myself to my mattress. yep. 

I talked to Al through my clairaudience and a bit of channeling several days ago. - 'yah. I am awesome right?.' Anyway, I burped, I think it might of been the soda. yep. - 'damn pepsi right toots. home. this is fun! your fine. this is al. fine as fuck. okay this isn't fun anywhere near fun your being abused. I want to kill roxanne.'  I'm automatic writing right now. his presence is with me and beside me while I sit on my couch. I'm wiggling my toes. isn't it fun! 

I did yoga last Friday with a friend in my spare room. I felt Al standing behind me staring down at me as I stretched. The faery lights and a faery net my friend put up with me glowed throughout the room. The mirror in front of me, was surrounded by lights and - 'yellow flickered upon her face. it thonked by god her butt thonked.'  I stared at my reflection with a puzzled stare. As soon as he had wrote this I thought. Why was he staring at my butt?! I heard Al laughing beside me. He kept laughing and chuckling. I spoke to my friend before she left and instantly had a vison of my higher angelic self guiding Al's younger self across a fence and making his way over it. - 'it was easy as pie. yes I am thankful. dead sexy.'

'She was my guardian angel.'

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