Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Young Al Capone

Welcome To Fandom Ritchie Rich!

(Elizabeth) 'you homosexuality raped my friend. you mad woman you stole his seed and ran your finger into him sexuality.'  (Al Capone) -  'this isn't the end ritzie. you forced me to have a kid.. I never even met him. you stole it from me and created Andrew.'
(ritzie) - elizabeth you will pay!' (Elizabeth)  - 'oh shut up ritchie rich.. I don't want to hear it. (Andrew) '- yah screwed me up! and abused me! yah swatted me! and spanked me! till I bled! yah hurt me..' (Al Capone) - 'yah hurt my son and hurt my pride you swollen wench.' (Frankie) - 'yah hurt my friend yah loud obnoxious yeller! he's my brother!' (Elizabeth) - 'leave richie rich to me. I will make her pee!' (Ritzie) - 'why would I pee. you slut! I am sad you care!' (Frankie) - 'yah I will string you from your underwear!'
(Al Capone) - 'yah ritzie go away this is Al Capone!'  (Ritzie) - 'am I too hot to dance Al?!'  (Frankie)  -'yah ritchie rich yucko's..' (Elizabeth) - 'you stole my home homely cutie and  forced your cuties up his booty! (Ritzy) you sicken me! you! you little slut! (Elizabeth) - 'i am the first one who had his kids. It was in a past life I shared with him. Andrew has been one of the many kids I have! go away richie rich I am Elizabeth and I care about him.' (yogananda) - 'Elizabeth This is Wendu. actually. it's we love you! (Frankie) - 'yah stole his memories of that night.' (Al Capone) - yah drugged me!' (Frankie) - 'yah sexually molested his pride.' (Jet) - 'sexually molested huh?' (Ritzie)  - 'my Jet in love with me! he only told to me news jet!' (Jet) - 'leach yah stole my Ritzie in your sleep!'  (Al Capone)  - 'yah may I have a tissue. yah I wish to say bless you. yah ritzie you are without a doubt the lousiest of sluts. yah stole my home from me!' (Ritzie) 'and I kicked you out bla bla bla. yes I remember.' (Frankie) - 'yah are dusty as the wind' (Al Capone) - 'yah yatchie are out of your mind!' (Elizabeth) - 'Capone is mine. princess lettuce.'  (Al Capone) - 'yah you'll decay and become the earth. (Frankie) - yah now your dust what is that worth'.'(Elizabeth) - 'Bye! Bye!  Ritz crackers. Maybe I'll return you to you box.... (Frankie) - 'yah your sick Jet. for thumping my friend in the head. (Elizabeth)  'I watched over him. (Frankie) yah while you drugged him in the dark. (Jet) -  'yah he was unconscious.'  (Ritzie) - 'and we laughed when we saw him laying there.' (Elizabeth)  - 'I poked you both with my hand and tapped you to get you both to stop. you ignored this plead to get off my sexy young gorgeous friend.' (Al Capone) - 'yuck they let this happen to me. (Frankie)  - 'yah you're sick jet. (Elizabeth) I was sitting there watching Al. i'm sorry I tried to stop them.' (Jet) - 'it's alright toots he's an old time crook. (Ritzie) - 'join me and jet for a little hook.' (Frankie) - 'yah I don't think so witch!' (Elizabeth) - 'home is behind and the world is ahead. and it's past you bedtime you two. (Frankie) - 'yah! jet and yatzie! You go home to bed. (Al Capone) - 'yah they don't have one. (Frankie) - 'yah I know isn't it great.'  (Ritzie) - 'go home frankie your going to pay. (Frankie) - 'yah! let my brother on the times. (Ritzie) - 'your right we did this is.. (Frankie) - 'yah... Rtchie rich! I don't want to hear your yawning and yah need a nap.' (Elizabeth) - 'why don't you shut and up and eat a shoe!' (Al Capone) - 'yah! aye.. goodbye tata I'm over yah!'