Thursday, July 14, 2016

..My Muse Is God

!.!.!.! Yawe !.!.! God  !.!.! He Is My Muse !.!.!.!

 Ethral Heart

'My muse sits beside me as i write.
He's tall and muscular.
So buff, chiseled, and strong.
His long black hair tied back.
In a long pony tail.
Hanging down his back.
He leans back shirtless.
And flexes his enormous pecks.
I stare at him for a moment.
Then roll my eyes.
Can't I have some other guy for a muse.
This one is a poetic tease.
He flirts with me.
I stare at him and pout.
"Stop it!" I say.
He sends me a flirtatious grin,
And then winks at me.
I keep typing on my phone.
He scoots closer to me.
His piercing grey eyes.
Giving me a stare.
He distracts me and flexes his arms.
"Look at my muscles, aren't I divine."
I stick out my tongue and turn away.
He grabs my arm.
"Keep writing." He says with care.
He'll always be there.'


  1. :) i would run away from him lol.

    1. Hi Elizabeth I care about you very much and miss you so much I have not seen you since you were a baby call me 408-661-3653 I love you Beautiful Daughter of mine

  2. Do u know a prince of armor in ur past life?

  3. Yawe not scary he's a hunk. . .

    1. does fungi grow on the earth. yes. so he is god.

    2. sexy is not fungi!

  4. I'm mad at yawe. he's sexier than me!

    1. read the fungi. they speak words of wisdom and truth. home it to be. smoke with me.

    2. welcome back fungi dream. do you like free willy's? killer whales are fierce and strong. who is a communist yeh?


    Aphrodite - Lady Venus, Apollo - Paramahansa Yogananda, Ares - Archangel Michael, Artemis - Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devi, Athena - Archaea Sophia, Archangel Azrael - Demeter, Archaea Haniel - Dionysus, Archaea Sandalphon - Hades, Archangel Metatron - Hephaestus, Archangel Chamuel - Hera, Archangel Gabriel - Hermes, Archangel Raphael - Hestia, Archaea Jophiel - Poseidon, Archangel Yawe (Ratziel) - Zeus, Ethral Heart (Eleiriel) - Hera

  6. 'Yawe slept with mary and Eleiriel sad and left with lucifer and dated him and we asked her to say sorry but we had no idea - Raphael.' she said we loved her and Yawe slept with another angel and we said are you sure she slept with him and we believed him. We are sorry abd soon she will be home with Yawe and I am breathed with sorrow and am sorry Eleiriel - Yawe'

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  9. Hello! Im elizabeths best friend! 😜

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    9. My my starshine wat have they done to u.

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  25. Lady venus??? What does that mean????

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  32. Hey!!! U kept removing the comments!!! Saying mean things behimd me back!!! 😂😂😂

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  34. Not much of a fan of star wars but ok

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  37. Franco, frakenstein?? Lol jk jk..
    To netherland!

  38. Hello? Ummm.... Mother of happiness. Can you please contact me at
    Or at twitter. Please, this is important.
    Ps. Its me bloody rose elizabeth friend...

    1. I fell in love with vladimir putin. donald trump is going crazy because he doesn't want to marry him. then i told donald he was hitler and he cynided me. he just shouted at me your our ascended master! this has gone far enough. donald's acting tybalt capulet! romeo and juliet feels so real. i felt vlad was my one. i am madly unconditionally and warmly lovingly in love with vladimir putin. i've realized vlad was telling the truth. but i'm a bit of a adventurous loyal female skylark romantic. and ive had enough of tybalt capulet. hes making me lose someone i just was starting to get to know. vlad has a beautiful contagious soul that make my heart soar with happiness. - It's me Elizabeth -
      Ethral Heart

  39. Welcome to fandom! goddess of fandom. Aphrodite reborn. I have more than one, one true love. All my true loves: Javier Bardem, 'Anonymous' the Revolutionary, James Fraco, Don Henrie - (best friend), Vladimir Putin. - blessed be' - Star Shine of this manifesto.

  40. Cereal I love more than womans icky stinky weird food. female food grossy. I like food my father gave me after my mother died and a received my stepmother and her son and daughter. sindersoor and weidro to the every real person in the world. They threw out my fathers book. it was an old shakespeare copy of romeo and juliet. i miss him. now i'm stalked by rasputin. I cry my heart the full broken pain of my lost family. oh heart. rasputin almost killed me yesterday after day afternoon. i face planted onto the concrete. rasputn chased me. i ran. my lifes been this whole big adventure and at times it's the most heartbreaking deep hurt i can ever feel. rasputin killed my father. the man and family i visited on christmas was not my family. it looked like a spell was put upon the house. and these were not my brother, dad, and stepmother. i've been spoken to that my whole family is gone to heaven. i'm all alone. thank you everything anonymous, this is my gratitude for all you have given. Namaste I'm all alone in the world. i'm being protected - Ethral Heart is my real ascended master name.

  41. Maria Flegas is my faery godmother. she's done so much good for me. she's my life's hdro. I am fully indebted to her. she appears when i most need her. roanne fry bradley is my cruel stepmother and my stepsiblings are Julia lababara and Bradley Robert Elkus. stop hurting my faery godmother. don't torture her. she's a beautiful soul. i need her. no one else loves me maria and my father. my father is dead though. i miss him. this man in my fathers home is not my real father. he's pretending to be him. he's dressed as my father. but doesn't smell like him nor does he even look like him. them na masking as my father is rasputin. he married my stepmither and joined her family. i'm in danger everyday. i'm used to this. really i am. adveture always beckons until thel ast ship has sailed. but moves on with the tide. Maria Flegas Is my faery godmother. she's an incarnated faery and a naturist hippie. leave us be.

  42. Colorado was a new age hippie state. this is where i live. i miss my new age hippie friends. they were such beautiful innocent souls. I am heartbroken. they've disappeared and vanished. i don't see the old colorado people i've come to love anymore. hey are my hippie friend. I am a new age hippie and my true love is a russian communist. we didn't always eat vegan. people ate meat to. we believed in incarnated beings and magic and a sense of togetherness was always this home. coloradso people were very friendly and fun and had kind hearts full of soaring love.

  43. I am an incarnated Archangel of fun. I'm one of the three cupid. Sophia is the cupid of love and brings people affairs and changing love. Chamuel is Romance he brings relationships and marriage. I am the third I bring fun which brings you your true loves and an amazing fun filled relationship with your and an awesome adventure with all of your true loves. you can marry all of them all at once becuase my cupid style is not of jealousy but of polyandry. anything else will just hurt people. if you feel jealousy your being guided by archangel sophia not me.

  44. donald trump is hitler! reborn from the ashes and into new form.

  45. donaLD TRUMP ABUSED ME SINCE BEFORE SUMMER. AFTER I wrote my dhamra. quite calling it a manifesto ass hats

  46. it's a manifesto it's a dharma. this is ethral heart. you stole my accoung us governemnt i hate you! give me my account back! you dsick agents. you tortured mre for slmost a year. go to hell!

  47. not all of america are hippies. but the hippies of america are being abused. I'm one of them and i'm a new age. inever got new age hippie clothes you all lasughed. my stepmother abused me severely and took everything from me. i never got to buy anything at all.

  48. I was born in america idiots my whole family was stupid heads @quanyinbuddha me i'm ethral heart you stole my account! I'm not insane i'm an ascended master. my stepmother abused me. my father is lying to you. she's got him wrapped around her finger do a blood test. test my old blood in storage. stop medicating me evil bastards! i
    m not crazy. my one true love is yawe. I'm the dinvine mother and your laughing me. my heavenly husband is yawe. mary is rhaphael's divine counterpart.

  49. Weird people about

  50. Strange some post and then remove
